Games & Responsibilities
Games & Responsibilities
This is the Black Family Immunity Idol.
Just a bath toy on a draw string from one of Jared's hoodies but it is the most sought after toy in our house. Usually it is a hidden immunity idol but sometimes it is earned by good behavior or by winning a “challenge”. It entitles the finder/winner to a “free pass” from a chore or time out. Suffice to say, we love Survivor and Jared is super creative.
We are learning to parent in real-time which leaves little room for mistakes. Our house is loud, chaotic, messy, and, admittedly, a little stinky but we are loving every minute. Parenting 5 kids is a huge responsibility that I sometimes take a little too seriously. I stress a lot about how to teach them things like kindness, generosity, and perseverance. Especially this time of year! How in the world can I compete with the voices shouting “Toys! Presents! Stuff!”?? Sometimes I worry so much about my job to teach that I overlook my job to just love on them. I have been working towards trusting that God will take care of the lessons and whether or not they are received properly.
A couple of months ago we were asked to share a small portion of our story with our church family. It was so exciting and very emotional for me. You should know that I have no fear of public speaking...Jared is terrified of speaking in public! That doesn't mean I'm good at it though! How could I ever relay the amazing story of God’s work in our life in only 20 minutes? I didn't come close and I'm not sure that those 20 minutes were a blessing to any of the hearers but after we finished we were presented with a gift bag full of gift cards. We were not expecting to be blessed in that way and are so grateful to our church family for their generosity.
LifePoint Church, you have been a huge blessing to us in providing for not just our spiritual needs but our physical needs as well. I can never express how truly thankful we are for you.
We had such a great Thanksgiving!!
We were fortunate enough to spend it with lots of people who we love and have selflessly supported and encouraged us these past 6 months, some of which we had never even met before last week! When I think about how completely we have been accepted into the kids’ family, the foster family that cared for them before we met them, I am completely speechless. What an awesome example of Christ’s love!
The best Christmas ever is just around the corner.
A year ago I never would have dreamed that I would have the privilege of sharing Christmas with 5 kids! Wow! I don't have much of an update for you on the adoption process. The paperwork has been filed and we were told this week that the State’s attorney is working on it. While it doesn't look like I’ll get my wish of completion by Christmas, we are grateful that things are moving forward.
Love you all more than words can express and Happy Christmas,
from the Black Family.
“For the Lord is good. His unfailing love continues forever, and His faithfulness continues to each generation.”
Psalm 33:20