Let It Go

If your household is anything like mine you were consumed with the Disney movie, Frozen. Even today, when the movie of choice is Moana, my girls play Elsa and Ana and #4 even does a whole routine with her little blankie to the song “Let it Go” that is quite dramatic. For years I would moan when that song came on or stealthily switch the radio station or press the skip button on the playlist. It was everywhere! There was just no escaping Queen Elsa’s declaration.

Oddly enough, as we neared the end of this summer I found myself hearing, “Let it go.” in the quiet depths of my heart and the more I listened, the more often I heard it and the louder it became:
Holes in the couch cushions caused by doggie nails and epic kiddo forts. Let it go.

Burnt ground beef and almost assuredly ruined pan by the child learning to cook. Let it go.

Kiddo hides an ink pen in the laundry basket and ruins half his (and his brother’s) clothes. Ugh...Let it go.

My value at work suffers because I'm easily distracted and not as productive as I once was. Let it go.

Child suddenly forgets how to get himself ready in the morning and suddenly I have a rogue little soldier. Every. Single. Morning. Let. It. Go.

Child we have been working so hard with to overcome bedwetting backslides and has to return to pull-ups at night. LET IT GO! (and be grateful you didn't give away that extra box)

I am reminded to revisit my priorities. What do I really want from my kids? What is my job here?
Love God

Love people

Make good decisions

Everything else is out of my control.

A new school year is the perfect time to refocus. Last year my mantra was “Grace Wins Everytime” as a reminder to give my children, my husband, and especially myself grace. Daily.

This year I'm adopting a chorus by Casting Crowns:
Just to know you and to make you known,
We lift your name on high.
Shine like the sun, make darkness run and hide.
We know we were made for so much more than ordinary lives.
It's time for us to more than just survive.
We were made to thrive.

A simple reminder. I'm not special, I know that all mothers at some point find themselves in survival mode. We have forgotten our priorities. We have forgotten how to truly live.
It's time. I will no longer live in survival mode. I will thrive.

Much love,
The Black Family




This is it? vs. This is it.