So This is Happening
So this is happening
“Hope deferred makes the heart sick, but a dream fulfilled is a tree of life.”
Proverbs 13:12 NLT
I admit, I fixated on this verse for a long time. I stumbled upon it shortly after we returned from St. Louis and it so perfectly described our adoption journey and my feelings about the journey that I would read it over and over. Just waiting for that dream fulfilled...
I am dying to share details and pictures with you because our road has taken an unusual turn. That's right...this is happening:
You might be thinking that your eyes are tricking you. Surely that's not really 5 little toothbrushes and 5 little water bottles. I assure is!
At the end of April, we met 5 amazing kiddos. Two weeks ago, they came to live with us. Ages 7, 6, 5, 3, and 23 months. 2 boys, 3 girls. They needed a permanent home and somehow, God chose us!
Please don't call a counselor, we know we are a little nutty to take on 5 kids all at once! In fact, when we were considering this opportunity, I asked family and friends if they thought we were crazy. Could we really do this? I love my brother's response: "If anyone can inherit a small army and whip them into shape, my sister can!" That impacted me so strongly that now I refer to them as my small army.
Jared and I marvel each night at how perfectly this was orchestrated from the very beginning. Even before these kids were born, even before we realized that adoption was our journey, God was working to assure every detail was in place at just the right time. Amazing!
Please pray for these kids.
What an adjustment they have had to make! Pray that we will be able to build unbreakable family bonds and for salvation at an early age.
We love all of you so much and look forward to keeping you posted on the progress of this adoption journey and, hopefully share some funny stories along the way.
Much love,