A Christmas Miracle
A Christmas Miracle
"See what great love the Father has lavished on us, that we should be called children of God! And that is what we are! The reason the world does not know us is that it did not know Him."
1 John 3:1 NIV
Christmas in itself is a miracle. That God would come to earth in human form to save us knowing how wretched we are is a miracle I have not yet been able to wrap my mind around. I am foolishly surprised each time God's faithfulness is revealed in my life. I do not doubt His ability, I doubt my deserving. (no comments please if that is improper grammar)
On that note, we are excited to tell you about our Christmas Miracle...
Just before Christmas break (which is yet another miracle) we received notification that we have been chosen by Lifesong for Orphans to receive a $3,000 matching grant! This has been made possible by Wellspring Baptist Fellowship, a church that we have no affiliation with but who supports Lifesong for Orphans and its applicants. What a surprise! I will be honest, it has taken us at least a week to process the news. Because it is a matching grant, they will match what is donated to our adoption though them up to $3,000.
Further proof for a doubting girl that God always takes care of His children. I can't wait to tell our child this story and the lesson...
The fundraising goal date set for us by Lifesong for Orphans is February 15, 2015. If you are interested in helping us reach our goal please follow the directions in the document above.