April Showers and May...Paperwork??
April Showers and May…Paperwork??
I've often wondered, if April showers bring May flowers then what do May showers bring?
Well, for this year anyway that answer is: more paperwork! (wah wah...)
We completed our training requirements and as of May 21st are officially licensed to provide foster care. We also have begun our yearly update with Bethany Christian Services. This just means lots of home visits and lots of paperwork!
We have often wondered (and assume you are wondering as well),
What is taking so long?
The answer, we believe, is two-fold:
1) God has a plan that is very specific and includes a child or children that just aren't ready for us yet, and
2) We're the Blacks and nothing happens easily or quickly for us.
We joke about the second reason a lot but we do feel that God has chosen us to "take the long way around".
Several years ago, at the beginning of this journey, I heard a message at a women's conference that rocked me to my very core and has shaped my perspective. She spoke about her own journey through infertility and paralleled it with the story in the Bible about Jesus raising Lazarus from the dead (John 11). When Jesus learns His friend Lazarus is sick He doesn't immediately go to him.
He waits. Why?
Because by the time Jesus finally arrives, four days after Lazarus has died, a large crowd has gathered to offer their condolences to Lazarus's family. Had Jesus immediately left upon hearing of Lazarus's sickness, He would have only arrived, and shown His glory, to a small handful of people. Because He waited, more lives were impacted.
Does the long road suck? Yes.
Is it worth it? Yes.
Will God use this longer road to impact more people?
We pray that He will.
Thank you for your support and prayers. Don't give up on us! God is going to do something amazing!
Much love,
The Blacks
“We are not necessarily doubting that God will do the best for us; we are wondering how painful the best will turn out to be.”
-C.S. Lewis