Our Journey
Our Journey
Where do I start? Kristal says to start from the beginning.
In December of 2013 we started our domestic adoption journey with Bethany. We did extensive research on many different agencies across the U.S., and after much discussion, we felt God leading us to Bethany Christian Services. We chose Bethany because of their values, location, and just how involved they are with the expectant families and the adopting family. So, we requested an information packet from Bethany in December and decided to start our adoption journey immediately after receiving that packet.
Here is how the process has worked so far:
We first received a preliminary application to fill out which was just two pages. After they had reviewed that application and everything was approved, Bethany sent us a formal application packet. When we first got this packet we were both kind of in shock. We had a lot ahead of us to do. It required surveys about us, state records, tax records, financial documents, references, and much more. I must say the toughest part for me was reading the books and writing reports on them. I thought I was done with that when I finished college; well I was wrong! No, I must say that most of the books were very informative and have been helpful. We finally got all our information in for our formal application in April and it was a wonderful feeling knowing that part was done, but next was the Home Study.
We didn’t know exactly what to expect with the home study but we were prepared for anything. Our home study took about three weeks with three different interviews with our case worker. The first interview she met with both of us and asked us general information about us and our history. The second interview was much longer and she interviewed both Kristal and I separately. During this visit she also walked through the house and made sure that it was safe to bring a child home to. The final interview was more questions and information about us. I felt that after the home study was over that Bethany and our case worker know more about me and Kristal than we even know about ourselves! It took several weeks for our case worker to write our report on us but in July our home study was approved. Hooray!
Oh wait, we still had more to do! We had to create a profile book on Shutterfly to give to expectant families so that they can know about us and help make their journey of adoption easier. Thank goodness Kristal took care of this part because I would have never known where to begin. She had it done very quickly. Even now, expectant families could be viewing our profile book.
So, here we are today waiting for Gods perfect plan.
We don’t know what race, age (probably an infant), gender, or when we will bring that little one home, but we can barely wait to bring that little one home and love on him or her. While we have been waiting we still have been staying very busy, working on financial grants, postcards to go out to family and friends, this blog, an art project for our child’s room (which I can’t wait to show off and tell you the story behind it) and taking on extra side jobs to help financially with the cost of adopting. The art project will be featured in another blog later to come.
One thing that Kristal and I both have realized through this journey so far is just how God is at work through it all. From the people we have met, to what we have learned about each other, and so much more. We know that God has big plans. We are very excited and, yes, a little scared too. As we continue on this journey, our desire is to help others that might be considering or going through the adopt process too. So, please, if you have any questions or suggestions we would truly love to hear from you.