An Unexpected Twist
Daniel Fast-An unexpected twist
Entry 2 - February 8th - 14 Days until Lent begins
It’s been about a week since I officially decided to participate in Lent and how. Go back and catch up on my first entry here if you have no idea what I’m talking about. ;)
It is counter to my nature to bring you along on this journey. However, this week I have wondered if perhaps the command to be “visible and vulnerable” is a picture of God’s grace to me.
To be honest, a week ago I would have bet against myself without a second thought. I know that my love for and reliance on food is strong and even now, I’m not sure I will be able to go 21 (or 40) days without sugar, processed foods, coffee, and my beloved Diet Coke.
What if, in His infinite mercy, God told me to share my journey so that I would be held more accountable.
Hmmm…. Thanks, God??
When I posted on Instagram my intentions to participate in Lent, I received from a dear friend the best advice anyone could have ever given:
“Stick to a few simple foods and recipes that are ‘good enough’ and spend the rest of the time drawing near to the Lord.”
I am a notorious over-planner. I thought that I needed to have everything planned out for this journey. Meal plans for me and the rest of the family, grocery lists, recipes, etc. In reality, I need to focus on God. After all, that is what this is all about.
All that being said, this week, life took a very unexpected twist.
For the past few months, I’ve been weaning myself off my prescription medication. Even after months of slowly reducing the dosage and following all of the advice, I still had some nasty withdrawal symptoms. I was miserable for almost a week.
At first, I was incredibly angry. Then, I was flat-out discouraged. Finally, at rock bottom, I came to this realization.
Yes. The medication was not quite as “safe” as I had trusted.
Yes. These withdrawal symptoms rank in the top 5 yuckiest I’ve ever felt.
Yes. I will not feel this way forever.
Why not jump-start this season of Lent I’m fixing to fearfully go into? I've worried so much about the no-sugar crashes, caffeine headaches, and processed food cravings. Why not start now? I was already feeling the effects of no caffeine (when I am nauseous, coffee is always the first to go). So, when I started feeling better, I began following a modified version of the Daniel Fast that I have committed to for the first portion of Lent.
If you have not heard of the Daniel Fast, the foods you are allowed to eat must have come from a seed, and you drink only water for 10 or 21 days. I know that caffeine, added sugars, and heavily processed foods will be the hardest to give up. These are the foods I have avoided this week.
Like a Daniel Fast Prep week. :)
Keep checking back here to follow my journey or join our Facebook group if you would like to ask questions or provide advice and encouragement:
If you are curious what is written on my hand, this is what it is supposed to look like. It is the Hebrew word, El-roi.
In January, I ran across the story of Hagar in Genesis. I’d read her story so many times before but this time it hit me differently. Chapter 16 says that in her troubles and heartaches Hagar called out to God and He comforted her. In verse 13, Moses tells us that Hagar then began to refer to God as, “El-roi”.
The God who sees me.
If you want to read the story for yourself, go to Genesis 16. It’s kind of a messed up story, remember that the humans in the Bible are just that: humans. Imperfect. Sinful. Messed up.