It’s Coming!!
Daniel Fast-it’s coming!
Entry 3 - February 20th - 2 Days until Lent begins
Is it ominous that I am counting down the days? It feels ominous!
Even though in many ways I’ve already begun my Daniel Fast that I had planned for Lent, I’ve not been as strict about things like lean meats and prepared salad dressings. We’re still eating out at our favorite places, I’m just choosing different items. My stomach doesn’t miss the sugars, processed foods, and caffeine at all!
But…my heart does.
Did I mention I have 5 kids? And that a couple of them use more words before 8 am than I do all day?
Your girl needs coffee!
I would be lying to you if I said I haven’t already thought about throwing in the towel. To just hide for a month, pull down this blog series, and secretly eat the conversation hearts my hubby got me for Valentines Day. I haven’t even begun and already I’m ready to quit. In my morning studies the other day I was reminded of a verse in Philippians that has helped with these feelings that I plan to cling to these next few weeks:
“And now, dear brothers and sisters, one final thing. Fix your thoughts on what is true, and honorable, and right, and pure, and lovely, and admirable. Think about things that are excellent and worthy of praise.”
Philippians 4:8
This is my reminder of why I am doing this. To retrain my brain from its stress-anxiety-eat-hide cycle to a stress-God-peace cycle.
There are not many things I have done or am doing to prepare. I did purchase extra canned veggies and sugar-free, natural peanut butter. This journey is not about finding cool recipes or even really eating well (although it is about eating healthy). It is about breaking the hold that food has had on my heart for far too long. At present, my Daniel Fast will only last for the first 21 days of Lent. For the remaining days I will follow a modified Daniel Fast, allowing lean meats and things like zero-sugar salad dressings.
It’s been hard and I’m afraid it will just get harder.
I made this paper chain to represent the days of Lent, between Ash Wednesday (in 2 days) and Easter Saturday. I thought it might help the task not seem so daunting. I’m excited to begin ripping those paper chains off!
Thank you for following along on my journey! I hope this is encouraging for even the most “average” of moms.
(Let’s face it…there is no such thing as average when it comes to moms!) <3