The Home Stretch!! …to halfway…
Daniel Fast-the homestretch!! …to halfway…
Entry 5 - March 6th - Day 13 of Lent
One of the main reasons I wanted to document this journey is to share an accurate picture of what this looks like for a person like myself. As I researched Daniel Fasts and other fasts (namely caffeine and sugar), I read tons of articles written by fit people who loved cooking, made their living as influencers, nutritionists, or fitness experts, and did not have kids. I'm a 40-something, overweight mom of 5, and I hate to cook. I know I'm not the only one like me reading these articles.
So, what does this look like for us?
I passed the hump of feeling terrible a few days ago. But, I haven't reached that euphoria others promise will come when you detox from sugar and carbs. And, I am a little disappointed. I had hoped to have a "tangible" reason to cut added sugar from my diet permanently.
Surprisingly, I do not crave sweets. I miss my morning coffee and afternoon Diet Coke desperately, however, sugar hasn't been something I have missed. Don't get me wrong, I look forward to a cup of ice cream or a chocolate bar when this is all over but this experience has shown me that I can live without sugar.
That feels incredibly empowering.
Also, I still have not experienced hunger pains. A couple of times in the morning I have been a little rumbly in the tumbly, however during the day I never feel hungry. Proof that when I thought I was hungry before the fast, I was most likely not. Plus, I have lost a few pounds so...bonus!
The last day of the Daniel Fast portion of Lent is coming up fast. While I'm still committed to abstaining from caffeine and added sugars for the remainder of Lent, I do not plan to continue the strict Daniel Fast. It will be interesting to see what reactions I experience as I add elements like meat and dairy (slowly, of course). Stay tuned for that!
I have enjoyed simple lunches and dinners. In addition to my hominy and apples meal I shared in the last post, I found a brand of refried beans and salsa that are vegan and meet the requirements of the Daniel Fast. Add some brown rice, black olives, and lettuce and you have a yummy taco-type salad! I eat lots of berries and Simply Salted Popcorn is my go-to snack.
I leave you with this: Lent will never work if you do not have a "why". Sure, being healthy and losing weight is great, but if you are anything like me, that just isn't enough. My "why" can be summed up in Phillippians 4:8,
"And now, dear brothers and sisters, one final thing. Fix your thoughts on what is true, and honorable, and right, and pure, and lovely, and admirable. Think about things that are excellent and worthy of praise."
Why? Because I seek to live a life bigger than myself. And my love of food does not fit in with this goal.