The Beginning
The Beginning
We tend to be "all or nothing" type people. We want to commit 110% or we want to move on to something that we can commit to 110%. We actually began this adoption journey several years ago but struggled until recently with the details.
Domestic or International?
Foster or Adopt?
Agency or Private?
State or Christian?
Infant or Waiting Child?
All very important questions that we just could not come to an agreement on. We attempted to pursue an international adoption through Dillon International in 2012 but nothing seemed to work out. We labored on for several months before finally throwing in the towel. How discouraging!
But, God had another plan in mind.
In July of 2012 I was told I had a massive cyst on my one remaining ovary. After an unsuccessful laparoscopic procedure I was sent to Barnes Jewish in St. Louis to have the cyst removed. The doctor was able to save the ovary but much of my insides were crushed by the 6 inch monster. After a long recovery from a third surgery in 2013 to clean up some of the scar tissue left behind I felt that my heart was finally truly ready for adoption. I was never officially diagnosed with infertility but I knew in my heart that having my own child the “traditional way” was not God’s plan for me.
In the fall of last year after a gentle (and probably unknown) prod from Jared's Aunt Marilyn, I decided to check out Bethany Christian Services. I had run across their name several times when we were planning to adopt internationally. After lots of research and several months of prayer, we began our journey with Bethany in January of this year (2014). I have been so encouraged by God’s faithfulness in healing the wounds left in both my heart and Jared’s heart caused by infertility. Our excitement has fueled us to endure the endless amounts of paperwork, interviews, trainings, and (gasp) book reports that have dominated the past 7 months.
We have finished our paperwork and home study and are awaiting placement. We desperately desire your prayers during this final stage of the adoption process.
Prayers for Wisdom:
We love that Bethany gives us complete control over the mom and baby we partner with. However, recently the stress of choosing the right mom has consumed us. God has already picked out the mom we are to partner with, please pray that we will know when we find her.
Prayers for Mom and Baby:
We don’t know who she is yet but we are praying daily for our mom and baby. Please pray that both mom and baby will be protected, healthy, and that mom would make good decisions.
Prayers for Us as Parents:
We’ve never done this before! I have lots of experience from the ages of 3 and up but infants are an unknown territory for both of us. Please pray that we would be nurturing and loving parents and most importantly that we would be godly parents who will raise our child to know and love Jesus.
Prayers for Finances:
I read recently that “If it’s God’s will, it’s God’s bill” and while that statement seems a little trite, I have held tightly to it. Adopting is so expensive! Not including travel and miscellaneous expenses we will spend approximately $30,000 just to the agency and attorney. Tack on expenses that normally come with having a baby and you have a complete panic attack by Jared. We trust God completely to provide for all of our needs. Please pray that we would not waiver in that trust.
Prayers for the Future:
We desire to continue growing our family even after this adoption. We want our child to have siblings! We don’t know if God will lead us to continue working with Bethany or to blaze a new trail foster-adopting or adopting internationally. Please pray even now for our family to be prepared for the next journey.
Without a doubt, we know this road is the harder road.
But, this is our road and where it will lead us is right where we need to be.
Much love,